2021: TechSee’s Year in Review

4 min readJan 10, 2022


By Daniela Levi

Image: Shutterstock, edited by TechSee

As 2021 comes to a close, TechSee takes a look back on a memorable year, as detailed in the ‘Year in Review’ article below. TechSee’s visual assistance solutions simplify the way people deal with technology, and are being quickly adopted far and wide as more and more companies embrace visual transformation. Check out our year in review infographic for a visualization of TechSee’s 2021.

A Year of Growth

2021 has been a year of growth for TechSee. We’ve pivoted and stretched to help a wider range of industries offer their customers better experiences with technology. We enabled more than 20 million live visual sessions this year. This means 200% YoY growth! We are proud of achieving our goal of simplifying the lives of people everywhere, one visual session at a time.

TechSee also expanded its product line with the launch of Eve Cortex, the first scalable visual AI assistant in the industry. EVE Cortex utilizes patented AI neural networks and synthetic data to teach itself to recognize thousands of:

  • products
  • models
  • parts, and
  • components.

It empowers enterprises to custom-build their own visual self-service flows (Visual Journeys) in a matter of hours or days and at a fraction of the cost than previously possible.

Benefits of Eve Cortex

Of course, reflecting back on a year in review, we’ve also enhanced our AI capabilities across all our solutions, improving opportunities for automation and self-service for our end-users. The company’s global presence has expanded with the addition of three new languages; our technology is now available in Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish.

A Year of Recognition

All of these efforts have not gone unnoticed. This year, we are proud to have won the 2021 Best in Biz Award for Enterprise Product of the Year, TMC’s 2021 CRM Excellence Award, and the TMC Pandemic Tech Innovation Award.

A Year of Innovation

And our successes did not stop there. TechSee’s technology trends of 2021 saw the introduction of more than 30 new features that are helping companies around the world offer better interactions and increase their efficiency. We answered the call of sales teams everywhere by releasing new capabilities that help sales reps walk potential customers through for instance:

TechSee Live now offers a handy smartphone-based measurement tool that has already benefited our insurance, smart home, and telecom customers by enabling agents to measure dimensions of real objects using Augmented Reality.

Our innovations are continuing to set us apart as the pioneer and market leader in the Intelligent Visual Assistance space. Looking back on a year in review, we’ve made four new patent submissions beyond the seven current patents we hold in the CX technologies, Visual Computing, Augmented Reality, and Big Data space.

A Year of Consideration for the Environment

Our world, our home is important to us. Remote visual assistance means resolving customers issues quicker and easier, eliminating the need for costly and planet-zapping truck rolls. In 2021, we saved 74 thousand tons of CO2 emissions per business.

A Year of Connection

2021 meant that we could finally have deeper connections with our communities. This was particularly vital after the hibernation hiatus of 2020. We attended seven events this year, five of which were in-person!

And not just events, we also hosted 11 webinars with the goal of introducing cutting-edge technologies to global industries. For example, we partnered with Costa Express and ABB Robotics to show how they boosted ROI using visual assistance, and explored how companies could evaluate their digital preparedness with the Remote Support Maturity Model.

We also worked hard to make sure our community stayed in the know. We published more than 20 new resources on topics such as how to take customer service from a cost center to a profit center, and calculating the actual cost of a truck roll.

A Year of Heart

While immersed in these exciting endeavors detailed above in TechSee’s year in review, we also grew our team by 50%! This year, TechSee welcomed some of the brightest, funniest, and most innovative startup pros in the game, and we are still growing.

We are also really proud that our company took the time to give back. TechSee partnered with Leket Israel, a leading food rescue organization focusing on rescuing healthy, surplus food and delivering it to those in need.

Conclusion: TechSee’s Successful Year in Review

As we say goodbye to 2021, we reflect on a year full of growth, recognition, innovation, consideration for the environment, connection and care for others.

A big shout-out to each and every one of you for being a part of our journey! Looking forward to another successful year in review and introduction of new technology in 2022…

Have a look at this article detailing the top technology trends for call centers expected in 2022 and use this information to map out a strategic business growth plan.

This article was first published on the TechSee blog.




TechSee revolutionizes the customer support domain by providing the first cognitive visual support solution powered by augmented reality and AI. www.techsee.me